
Newcastle Emlyn

U3A Wales

Newcastle Emlyn U3A belongs to a much bigger organisation. We belong to the West Wales Network which is a group of ten U3As in the area. This group meets three times a year in a variety of venues to discuss issues, support each other and to organise training in the area.

All of these U3As then belong to the Wales Region which is part of the national organisation (Third Age Trust).

The Third Age Trust is a charitable organisation run by a Board of Directors made up of 12 trustees elected from the U3A regions / nations and three officers elected by the whole U3A membership. They work to ensure good governance, drive strategy and engender innovation.

The Trustee for Wales is Colin Luker , a member of the Newcastle Emlyn & also the Cardigan u3a. Please contact him if you have any questions about the Third Age Trust

Links to u3a Wales web sites (opening in new tabs)